Well-Fed and our partners.
Our aim is to offer fresh meal options to the youngest children, older people and everyone in between.
Well-Fed is also all about social and environmental impact. So far, we have distributed over 60,000 meals to vulnerable households and in 2023 we will start to operate our farm to table supply chain – significantly reducing food miles, by using foods taken directly from farms and turning them into meals fit for every dining table. The aim is to offer fresh meal options to the youngest children, older people and everyone in between.
We’re excellent at what we do.
Well-Fed is a social business set up via a unique partnership between Flintshire County Council, ClwydAlyn Housing Association and the social enterprise, Can Cook. The aim of the business is to ‘feed-everyone-well’ regardless of income.
We have three strands to our business:
Meals / Catering
Supplied to care / extra care schemes, schools and nurseries.
Well-Fed at home
Cook at Home Meal Boxes sold to the general public.
We trade: As a supplier of good food into services such as care and extra care schemes for older people or nurseries and schools for children and young people. We compete on price and quality and offer full or part service options to all of our customers. Where there is an existing service, we will improve and where there is a new service necessary, we will design and implement.

Mobile Shop
Designed to take the offer of a ‘mobile-corner-shop’ to communities who struggle to access good food.
Mobile Food Store
A door-to-door service providing recipes and meals direct to households in crisis.
Slow cooker programme
Providing a slow cooker with our special meal bags to households in crisis.
We are social: We create and deliver innovative services designed to stop hunger. We focus on the family unit and in particular the support of children through the provision of healthier meal options. Our motto is.. ‘if people eat well, they cope well. If they don’t, they don’t’ – we set out to feed every family well and in doing so help every family to move on.
Food Poverty Action Weeks
Twice yearly action weeks to highlight and tackle food poverty through the provision of good food options.
Weeks are to be timed to support children and families during school holidays and over the Christmas period.
15,000 summer meals
15,000 winter meals
We are campaigners: Hunger is an entrenched blight on most of our communities, affecting millions of people. Our social programme offers routes away from hunger for many households, we also have a role in tackling the bigger picture.

Creating a social impact.
We will achieve maximum social impact in all that we do. We work hard to represent the struggle many families face when they are pushed into food poverty. We set out to never to stand still and are always looking to innovate.
We believe if someone ‘eats well, they stay well’. Therefore, the basis of our food poverty work is to make sure everyone who is hungry receives a good, nutritious meal and we support people for as long as they need help. We also want to make sure a person’s dignity and health is protected. We will continue to improve our food poverty services and introduce new services to make sure we can reach more and more people. In particular, we want to make sure hungry children always eat fresh meals. If you want to know more about our social impact work contact Faith@cancook.co.uk