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Ultra-Processed Foods – Support our campaign to change school food.
Following the publication of our recent report, Good: Removing Ultra-Processed Food; we are asking parents across the country to support our campaign for change.
Ending food poverty
We are in the midst of a food poverty crisis, the likes of which we have not seen in modern…
Ten takeaways from It doesn’t have to be like this…
It doesn’t have to be like this… was the start of a really good conversation about food and feeding people…
Cash-first. It won’t stop hunger, but may be about the survival of food aid charity.
There is a good article produced in Liverpool recently under the title/quote – ‘This is why people kill themselves, because…
A social investment note from the frontline.
Introduction: Staying balanced when writing about social investment is difficult as a leader of a social enterprise – it remains…
Dear Marcus (and advisors)
Food poverty is only ever about the lack of good food – poverty is something else altogether. Charity offers options…